We see American politicians refer to Israel as “Our greatest ally”. But where does that come from? Israel has done more against the United States then declared enemies of the United States government (China and Russia). We will go further into the corruption of Israel and our politicians and what Zionists really think of Christians.
The period of the British Mandate from 1920-1947 gave rise to several Jewish terrorists groups, followed beliefs of the Russian Bolsheviks and continued to cause terrorist acts while refusing UN mandates even after the withdrawal of the British. Those leaders of the terrorist events became political leaders of Israel. You can draw very close comparisons to the patterns of attacks in the past to those of today. A cycle of attacking civilians, denying the attacks, later admitting to the attacks and agreeing to not do it again, only to start the cycle all over. Their history of protecting Israelis that commit terrorist acts is also repeated over and over thru history.
*When using this timeline, Sources are listed as Wikipedia, View Article, or a link to the publication. Clicking the Wikipedia on mobile will show you a snippet of the article on Wikipedia and gives a link to the full page. On desktop or laptop, you may hover above the Wikipedia link and see the snippet. You can then click the snippet and scroll down. There maybe multiple source links within the same incident.
Prominent Zionist Terrorist Groups during the Mandate period included:
The Irgun (Etzel): Known as the National Military Organization and the Military sector of the Revisionist movement, the Irgun stated that “political violence and terrorism” were “legitimate tools in the Jewish national struggle for the Land of Israel.”
List of Irgun Attacks Wikipedia
The Stern Gang: Founded by Avraham Stern in 1939, the Stern Gang was an eccentric group which even sought contact with the Nazis in order to subvert British control in the Middle East. Under Stern, the group conducted robberies and attempted assassinations against the British. Stern is also noted for his “Eighteen Principles of National Renewal,” which articulated an expansionist mandate of Zionism, claiming a Jewish state from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq.
The Lehi: After the British assassinated Stern in 1942, his followers regrouped as an underground movement called the Lehi, acronym for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.
Lehi- Stern Wikipedia
Following the Bolsheviks of Russia
After the death of Avraham Stern, the new leadership of the Israeli paramilitary organization Lehi moved towards support for Joseph Stalin and the doctrine of National Bolshevism, which was a break from the group’s fascist outlook under its previous leader.
Nathan Yellin-Mor, one of the leaders of Lehi, formulated the group’s unique form of Hebrew National Bolshevism. Wikipedia
The Russian Bolsheviks were responsible for 100 million deaths of Christians and political campaigns like the Red Terror from 1918-1922 which were responsible for up 600,000 deaths. The Bolsheviks had a notable amount of Jews in their leadership while composing a small percentage 5.2% of the party. They were amongst the top leaders and advisors. This also explains John F Kennedys comment in 1939 about Jews pushing communism.
A building block of Israel’s political perspective and statehood program, most Zionist terrorist groups transitioned from underground terrorist groups to political mainstreams parties rapidly with the founding of Israel in May, 1948. (Note, however, that some groups continued to operate even after May, 1948, e.g. assassination of Count Bernadotte in September, 1948 as mentioned above.) Menachim Begin transformed the Irgun into a political party called Herut. The Lehi became the Moledet party which today continues to openly advocate the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, territories now occupied by Israel. Paradoxically, terrorist leaders Menachim Begin and Yitzhak Shamir later became Prime Ministers of Israel – their political heirs now forming part of the political establishment of Israel. CJPM.org
Some of the incidents below are included but all of those incidents and emphasize on post mandate era. This list is not a complete list and will be updated as more incidents discovered and sources found.
Incidents – Including Massacres and Terrorist Incidents British Mandate era – Oct 7th, 2023
Date | Incident |
March 1 1920 | Battle of Tel Hai. The first incident of importance between Arabs and Jews leading to many others. This was not a terrorist incident however its importance is that it is often forgotten about or misled when discussing issues between Arabs and Jews in British Mandate Palestine. The battle was started by a Jewish woman who took a gun against and fired at Arabs looking for French soldiers in the Franco-Syrian war in the village of Tel Hai. The Arabs called to ceasefire after the leader of the Jews was wounded and the Jews agreed. As they went to leave they were again fired at by Jewish settlers. Restarting the shooting. 6 Jews were killed and the rest left the village. 5 Arabs were killed in the battle. The Arabs then burned the empty village down. There were a couple dozen Jewish settlers in Tel Hai and several hundred armed Arabs looking for the French Soldiers. View Article |
Oct 1 1937 | Jerusalem Massacre. A member of the Irgun Zionist organisation detonated a bomb in the vegetable market near the Damascus (Nablus) Gate in Jerusalem killing dozens of Arab civilians and wounding many others. |
Dec 1937 | Al-Quds Massacre. Jewish Zionist threw a hand grenade at the marketplace near Al-Quds Mosque, killing and injuring dozens. |
March 6 1938 | Haifa Massacre. Jewish Zionists throw grenades at Haifa Market killing 18 and injuring 38. |
July 13 1938 | Jerusalem Massacre. 10 Arabs killed and 31 wounded in a massive explosion in the Arab vegetable market in the Old City. |
July 15 1938 | Jerusalem Massacre. A member of the Irgun Zionist gang threw a hand grenade in front of a mosque in Jerusalem as worshippers were walking out. 10 were killed and 30 were wounded. |
July 25 1938 | Haifa Massacre. A car bomb was planted by the Irgun Zionist gang in an Arab market in Haifa which killed 35 Arab civilians and wounded 70. |
July 26 1938 | Haifa Massacre. A member of Irgun threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 47 Arabs. |
Aug 26 1938 | Jerusalem Massacre. A car bomb placed by the Irgun gang exploded in a Jerusalem Arab market killing 34 Arabs and wounding 35. |
March 27 1939 | Haifa Massacre. Irgun Zionist gang detonated two bombs in Haifa killing 27 Arabs and wounding 39. |
June 19 1939 | Haifa Massacre. Zionist raiders threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 9 Arabs and wounding 4. |
July 12 1939 | Balad Al-Shaykh Massacre. Jewish Zionists attacked Balad El-Sheik Village, kidnapping and murdering 5 villagers. Middle East Monitor |
1939 | John F Kennedy witnesses Jews attack themselves in Jerusalem and blame Arabs. During his visit to Palestine, then under British mandate, Kennedy observed Jews bomb themselves 13 times and blame the Arabs. In a letter written to his father, who was at the time the U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Kennedy shared his insights into the situation, which notably leaned towards sympathy for the Palestinian Arabs. View Article |
Nov 6 1944 | Israel Assassinates British Minister of State Walter Guinness. Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moynem assassinated by Israel in Cairo sent shock waves thru Palestine. The attack was planned by Yitzhak Shamir who later became the Prime Minister of Israel. The assassins were trained by Yehoshua Cohen who traveled from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to spend several weeks preparing them for the assassination. Yehoshua Cohen later committed the assassination of Swedish UN Diplomat Folke Bernadotte. He was protected by the Israeli government who hid the murder weapon until after the statute of limitations for the murder was over. View Article |
July 22 1946 | Israel commits the first recorded terrrorist attack in the middle east, The King David Hotel Bombing. Zionists attacked British Military Headquarters in Jerusalem in July to destroy documents proving terrorist campaigns of Zionist groups. The attack kills 28 Britons, 17 Jews, 41 Palestinians, and 5 others. Wikipedia |
March 2 1947 | Zionists attack British Officers Club at Goldschmidt house in March killing 17 British Military Officers. Wikipedia |
July 29-30 1947 | The Sergeants affair. Zionists kidnap and murder 2 British Sergeants in July. This would lead to British abandoning the British mandate turning Palestine over to the United Nations. Wikipedia |
1947 | Zionists bomb Jerusalem Railway Station in October. |
1948 | Killings and massacres during the 1948 Palestine war The incidents in what is called the 1948 Palestine “war” section consisted of 42 incidents. Of those 42 only 7 incidents were caused by the Arabs with 35 caused by the Jewish side. Arabs killed a total of 354-366 on the Jewish side. The Jewish side killed 1,182-2,758 + with 4 events with an unkown number of Arab deaths. A single unkown incident not included above was estimated over 300+ Arab deaths. Jewish largely attacked women an children in the events. *Not all the events are listed in this table as of writing. This note will be deleted when updated. Wikipedia |
Dec 31 1947 | Balad al-Shaykh massacre was the killing of a large number of Palestinians by the Haganah in the village of Balad al-Shaykh during the early stages of the 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine. It was one of the largest, and earliest, massacres during the 1948 Palestine war. Between 60 and 70 Arab villagers were killed in the attack. Wikipedia |
May 13-14 1948 | Abu Shusha massacre. During Operation Barak, when the Zionist Givati Brigade mortared and then stormed Abu Shusha, in Mandatory Palestine, killing between 60 and 70+ Palestinian Arab villagers. Wikipedia |
May 20-21 1948 | Al-Kabri massacre. the Israeli army attacked the Palestinian village of Al-Kabri, during the 1948 Palestine war. The attack was part of Operation Ben-Ami, itself a part of Plan Dalet. Orders were given to “attack with the aim of capturing, the villages of Kabri, Umm al Faraj and Al-Nahr, to kill the men [and] to destroy and set fire to the villages”, orders which Meron Benvenisti states were “carried out to the letter”. At least seven people were killed. Wikipedia |
June 20 1948 | |
Nov 2 1948 | Arab al-Mawasi massacre two squads of Israel Defense Forces soldiers captured an encampment of Bedouins at Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda’ in the eastern Galilee. While some soldiers guarded the Arabs, others went to a nearby hilltop where the headless bodies of two Israeli soldiers were found. In retaliation, the Arabs’ dwellings were destroyed and 15 or 16 adult males were shot, 14 of whom died. Wikipedia |
Sept 17 1948 | Israel Assassinates Swedish UN Diplomat For Reporting Truth Of Israeli – Arab War And Wanting A Peace Deal Greve Folke Bernadotte (af Wisborg) was a Swedish soldier and diplomat who negotiated the release of over 20,000 jews from concentration camps in WW2. He headed the Swedish Red Cross and was sent to Jerusalem as a diplomat to negotiate peace between Israelis and Arabs. Appointed mediator in Palestine by the UN Security Council on May 20, 1948, Bernadotte obtained the grudging acceptance by the Arab states and Israel of a UN cease-fire order, effective June 11. He soon made enemies by his proposal that Arab refugees be allowed to return to their homes in what had become the State of Israel. After a number of threats against his life, he and André-Pierre Serot, a French air force colonel and UN observer, were murdered by members of the Jewish extremist Stern Gang. Tel Aviv protected the murderers. View Article |
Feb 29 1948 | Early 1948 before the Israeli-Arab War Zionists bombed the Cairo-Haifa train several times. In February killing 28 British Soldiers and wounded 35. Attack in March 30 killed 40 civilians and wounded 60 more. Wikipedia |
Feb 14-15 1948 | Two massacres were perpetrated by Zionist forces in the Palestinian village of Sa’sa’. Zionists blew up homes with no opposition in a village at night and killed 60 people and demolished 16 houses. October 30, Palestinians remaining in the village (some reported disabled were killed. Israel has closed files relating to this massacre not allowing historians to view the documents. Wikipedia |
April 9 1948 | Deir Yassin Massacre. Attacking a village of 700 Palestinians killing between 100-120. On April 9, 1948, just weeks before the creation of the State of Israel, members of the Irgun and Stern Gang Zionist militias attacked the village of Deir Yassin, killing at least 107 Palestinians. Wikipedia – Aljazeera |
May 22-23 1948 | Tantura Massacre. Palestinian villagers were massacred after a village surrendered. Estimates 200+ killed. Israel always denied the massacre, even tho several Israelis over the years have stated it. In a 2023 Israeli documentary film called Tantura, Israeli veterans said they witnessed the massacre with one who stated it was over 200 and he helped bury the victims. In 2023 a commissioned investigation of the area concluded there were 3 potential mass grave sites connected to the massacre. Wikipedia |
Oct 29 1948 | Safsaf Massacre. The evidence suggests that 52 men had their hands tied, were shot and killed, and were buried in a pit by IDF soldiers. Several women reported allegations of rape by the IDF, including the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl. At least two internal inquiries were initiated during 1948–49 by the IDF, but their reports remain classified. Wikipedia |
Oct 29 1948 | Al-Dawayima massacre. The al-Dawayima massacre describes the killing of civilians by the Israeli army (IDF) that took place in the Palestinian Arab town of al-Dawayima on October 29, 1948, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The incident occurred after the town was occupied by the IDF’s 89th Commando Battalion during Operation Yoav, encountering little resistance. Estimated that hundreds of people were killed. Lieutenant-General John Bagot Glubb, the British commander of Jordan’s Arab Legion stated the numbers were much smaller, citing a UN report for a figure of 30 women and children killed. A follow-up report delivered to the United Nations by a delegation from the Arab Refugee Congress reported that the Arab Legion had had an interest in underplaying the extent of the massacre, which was, it claimed, worse than the Deir Yassin massacre, in order to avoid further panic and refugee flight. The village mukhtar Hassan Mahmoud Ihdeib, in a sworn statement, estimated the number of victims as 145. Wikipedia |
Oct 30 1948 | Eilabun massacre was committed on 30 October 1948 by the Israeli Defense Forces as part of the 1948 Palestine war. A total of 14 men from the Arab Christian village of Eilabun were killed, 12 of them executed by the Israeli forces after the village had surrendered. The remaining villagers were expelled to Lebanon, living as refugees. Wikipedia |
Oct 31 1948 | Hula massacre took place between 31 October and 1 November in Lebanon. It was captured on October 24 by the Carmeli Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces without any resistance. The women and children were expelled, most of the men aged between 15 and 60 were shot. In total between 35 and 58 men were executed in a house which was later blown up on top of them. Two officers were responsible for the massacre, and were reported as war criminals by their superior, Dov Yermiya. One of them, First Lieutenant Shmuel Lahis, who served as company commander, was tried for murder by an Israeli military court, found guilty, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. His sentence was reduced to one year on appeal, and he was released from prison in 1950. Lahis received a retrospective presidential amnesty in 1955. He became a lawyer, and later director general of the Jewish Agency. Some Israelis opposed this appointment because of his involvement in the Hula massacre. Wikipedia |
1950- 1951 | Israel commits Baghdad bombings in Iraq. Zionists were found guilty of multiple bombings with 2 sentenced to death, 1 was sentenced to life imprisonment and 17 sentenced with long imprisonments. Wikipedia |
Oct 1953 | Qibya massacre occurred during Operation Shoshana, an Israeli so-called reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953, when IDF’s Unit 101 led by future Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank, which was then under Jordanian control, and killed more than 69 Palestinian civilians, two-thirds of whom were women and children. Wikipedia |
1954 | Lavon Affair. Israel attacks US and British owned businesses in Egypt and try to frame the Muslim Brotherhood. Wikipedia |
1954 | Israeli Air Force intercept a Syrian civilian plane and forced it to land. UN announced it as a shocking force of aggression over the seas. |
1954 | Herzog Affair. Israel spying on US illegally recording conversations at U.S. Embassy in Israel. Jstor preview Israeli Spies in the US Merip |
Oct 29 1956 | Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Qasim on 29 October 1956, when the Israel Border Police killed 49 Palestinian civilians, including 19 men, 6 women and 23 children. Israeli forces had imposed a curfew on the village in the morning of the 29th on the eve of the Sinai War, and when a number of villagers who had been away and were unaware of the curfew returned, they were massacred. Wikipedia |
Nov 3 1956 | Khan Yunis massacre, during an IDF operation to reopen the Egyptian-blockaded Straits of Tiran, Israeli soldiers shot 275 Palestinians in Khan Yunis. Wikipedia |
Nov 12 1956 | Rafah massacre. IDF soldiers rounded up male individuals over fifteen years of age throughout the Gaza Strip. Which resulted in the killing of 111 Palestinians in Rafah and the nearby refugee camp by the Israeli military. Wikipedia |
1960 | JFK Demands American Zionist Council (later changed the name to AIPAC) To Register As A Foreign Agent Before his assassination in 1963, President John F Kennedy made the statements that Israel was made to stay and there should be peace in the middle east. He affirmed that any attacks on Israel would be met with aggression from the US since Israel is a bipartisan issue in government. With this JFK ordered that AIPAC (formerly AZC) register now as a foreign agent to limit the influence on politicians. This upset Israel and AIPAC as they could no longer funnel millions into the pockets of politicians. AIPACs legal council filed extensions to fight this until after JFKs assassination in 1963 when they were able to get it thrown out of court. The first filing after the assassination. The founder of AIPAC, Isaiah Kenen registered twice with the U.S. Department of Justice under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) as an agent for Israel. Prior to leading AIPAC, he was the leader of the American Zionist Council. He was also chief information officer for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Today Israel is the only foreign government allowed to give money unchecked to our politicians. View Article |
1960s | Israel Illegally Starts A Nuclear Weapons Program And Refuses Inspection From US Ordered By President JFK. In contrast Iran complied with all Inspections. While playing friends to British and US, Israel repeatedly was caught lying and stealing weapons information from its “allies”. This leads as far into the 1980s. In 1968, it organised the disappearance of an entire freighter full of uranium ore in the middle of the Mediterranean. In what became known as the Plumbat affair, the Israelis used a web of front companies to buy a consignment of uranium oxide, known as yellowcake, in Antwerp. The yellowcake was concealed in drums labelled “plumbat”, a lead derivative, and loaded onto a freighter leased by a phony Liberian company. The sale was camouflaged as a transaction between German and Italian companies with help from German officials, reportedly in return for an Israeli offer to help the Germans with centrifuge technology. When the ship, the Scheersberg A, docked in Rotterdam, the entire crew was dismissed on the pretext that the vessel had been sold and an Israeli crew took their place. The ship sailed into the Mediterranean where, under Israeli naval guard, the cargo was transferred to another vessel. US and British documents declassified last year also revealed a previously unknown Israeli purchase of about 100 tons of yellowcake from Argentina in 1963 or 1964, without the safeguards typically used in nuclear transactions to prevent the material being used in weapons. Israel had few qualms about proliferating nuclear weapons know how and materials, giving South Africa’s apartheid regime help in developing its own bomb in the 1970s in return for 600 tons of yellowcake. Israel refused to countenance visits by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), so in the early 1960s President Kennedy demanded they accept American inspectors. US physicists were dispatched to Dimona but were given the run-around from the start. Visits were never twice-yearly as had been agreed with Kennedy and were subject to repeated postponements. The US physicists sent to Dimona were not allowed to bring their own equipment or collect samples. The lead American inspector, Floyd Culler, an expert on plutonium extraction, noted in his reports that there were newly plastered and painted walls in one of the buildings. It turned out that before each American visit, the Israelis had built false walls around the row of lifts that descended six levels to the subterranean reprocessing plant. The Guardian |
1965 | Apollo or Numec Affair. Israel steals weapons grade nuclear materials from United States. After a 1965 inventory, NUMEC was found to be missing about 100 kilograms of bomb-grade uranium, even after accounting for all processing losses. The close personal and commercial ties to Israel of the plant owners and operators raised suspicions that remained unresolved. The affair of the missing bomb-grade uranium was revived in 1976. The newly formed NRC was in the process of writing licensing regulations for commercial fuel firms—of which NUMEC was one—and had heard rumors of possible theft in the 1960s from NUMEC’s Apollo facility. The Bulletin and Wikipedia |
June 8 1967 | Israel attacked a US Navy vessel the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea. Israel later claimed it was a mistake however survivors onboard the the vessel said the attack was intentional. The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy Ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nautical miles (47.2 km; 29.3 mi) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish. The event led the US govt to give American tax dollars to Israel so that Israel can give money back in terms of payment to the families. The US gave Israel 132 million per year during this time and Israel gave 3 million back to the families of the deceased. Even today the US Government hides the actual truth of the attack, see The Intercept. The Intercept – Wikipedia Today veterans of the USS Liberty are still fighting for Justice and being ignored by the US government. You can view and support their association USSLiberty.org View the Youtube Trailer for TruHistory 4 Part Docuseries Sacrificing Liberty |
June 8 1967 | Ras Sedr Massacre. 52 Egyptian prisoners of the 6 day war had surrendered and were executed and put into a mass grave. The mass grave was discovered in June 2000 and in April 2009 some Israeli veterans came forth and confessed stating this one of 3 collective massacres they did. The general in charge after his retirement admitted to killing the POWs in Interviews. Wikipedia |
June 27 1967 | Israel lies and says it will keep land won in war until peace settlement. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol said bluntly that Israel will not give up the lands it won in this month’s Middle East war until her Arab neighbors sit down and directly negotiate a peace settlement. “We will hold on to it as a guarantee until they come to the peace table,” the 72-year-old government chief said in an interview. After push for peace talks in 1973, Israel refused talks to give back the occupied land. UPI Archives |
April 8 1970 | Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing. The Bahr el-Baqar primary school in the Egyptian village of Bahr el-Baqar (south of Port Said, in the eastern province of Sharqia) was bombed by the Israeli Air Force on 8 April 1970. Of the 130 children who were attending the school, 46 were killed and over 50 wounded. The school itself was completely demolished. Wikipedia |
1970- 1980 | Israel supports Dictator regimes in South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia. Providing 80% weapons, pilots, fighters to dictators to commit massacres. Including the Salvadoran Civil War, Panzos Massacre and Timorese Massacre. Wikipedia |
July 8 1972 | Assassination of Author/Journalist Ghassan Kanafani. Was assassinated in Beirut by the Mossad, the Israeli foreign intelligence service. When Kanafani turned on the ignition of his Austin 1100, a grenade connected to the ignition switch detonated and in turn detonated a 3 kilo plastic bomb planted behind the bumper bar. Both Kanafani and his 17-year old niece Lamees Najim, who had been accompanying him, were killed. Wikipedia |
1973 | Israel Arab War -Israel Refuses US Peace Talks to Return Occupied Land From Egypt It Took In 1967 Causing The US To Have Higher Oil Prices and A Closer Nuclear Confrontation With Soviet Union. In 1973 Israel refused to give up land it took from Egypt and other occupied territories in 1967. The refusal of Israel to leave occupied territories led to the war. After Egypt started getting more weapons from Russia, Israel demanded that the US give them the weapons to win the war. With the American airlift underway, the fighting turned against the Arabs. On October 16, IDF units crossed the Suez Canal. Sadat began to show interest in a ceasefire, leading Brezhnev to invite Kissinger to Moscow to negotiate an agreement. A U.S.-Soviet proposal for a ceasefire followed by peace talks was adopted by the UN Security Council as Resolution 338 on October 22. Afterward, however, Kissinger flew to Tel Aviv, where he told the Israelis that the United States would not object if the IDF continued to advance while he flew back to Washington. When Kissinger returned to the United States, he agreed to a Soviet request to seek another ceasefire resolution, which the Security Council adopted on October 23. Yet the Israelis still refused to stop. On October 24, Brezhnev sent Nixon a hotline message suggesting that the United States and the Soviet Union send troops to Egypt to “implement” the ceasefire. If Nixon chose not to do so, Brezhnev threatened, “We should be faced with the necessity urgently to consider the question of taking appropriate steps unilaterally.” The United States responded by putting its nuclear forces on worldwide alert on October 25. By the end of the day, the crisis abated when the Security Council adopted Resolution 340, which called for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of all forces to their October 22 positions, and U.N. observers and peacekeepers to monitor the ceasefire. This time, the Israelis accepted the resolution. The US politicians, already taking bribes and donations from Israel agreed. Israel back stabbed on the agreement with approval from the US. This caused higher tensions with Soviet Union leading into the cold war. And caused Arab oil producers to embargo all shipments of oil to the United States. State.gov |
April 10 1973 | Assassination of Journalist Kamal Nasser. Expelled from West Bank by Israel in 1967, Nasser became editor of the PLO periodical, Falastin Al Thawra, in 1972 Nasser was killed in West Beirut on the night of 9 April 1973 by Israeli special forces during an Israeli raid on Lebanon along with Kamal Adwan and Mohammed Yousef Najjar. All three men were included in the Mossad’s target list for their alleged participation in the Munich massacre. Kamal Nasser was the media spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization.Their funeral was attended by nearly half a million people most of whom were Lebanese. Wikipedia |
March 19 1978 | UN Security Council Resolution 425. On 19 March 1978 the U.N. Security Council adopted Resolution 425, in which it called upon Israel to cease immediately its military action and withdraw its forces from Lebanese territory. It also established the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the objective of which was to bring about and confirm withdrawal of Israeli forces, restore international peace and security, and to help the Lebanese Government restore its effective authority in southern Lebanon. Wikipedia |
1979- 1983 | Israel Front for Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners. Israels IDF creates a terrorist group to act as Lebanon fighters with the operation to “cause chaos among the Palestinians and Syrians in Lebanon, without leaving an Israeli fingerprint, to give them the feeling that they were under constant attack” Car bombs and attacks killed 100s between 1979 and 1983 before being disbanded. Wikipedia |
1982 | Hezbollah is formed as a response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon with the goal to oppose Israeli occupation by “all means” under UN Resolution 425 that called for Israel to withdraw from Southern Lebanon. In May 2000, Israel left all of the occupied Lebanese territories, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425, twenty-two years after the adoption of that resolution. Hezbollah was not required by the United Nations or the government of Lebanon to disarm, and has continued to launch attacks against Israel ever since. |
Sept 20 1984 | IDF assisted the South Lebanon Army to open fire on a group of men. The IDF encircled the village while the SLA gathered 300 men aged 16-39 years. Shooting went on for 15-30 minutes and killed 13 and wounded 40. Wikipedia |
1985 | BOOK- They Dare to Speak Out by former US Rep Paul Findley. They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby is a bestselling book (nine weeks a Washington Post bestseller) that was written in 1985 with 3rd edition in 2003. The book examines Israel and the Israel lobby and the degree of control they have over the United States government, based on his experience representing the State of Illinois in the United States House of Representatives. It argues that pro-Israeli groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have weaponized antisemitism to suppress free debate, compromise national secrets, and shape US foreign policy. Findley focuses on individuals who have stood up to the pro-Israel forces and brings out their statements and observations on the Middle East and US foreign policy toward Israel. |
1985 | Israel spys on US with Jonathan Pollard – Pollard returned to Israel in 2020 after Sheldon Adleson gave President Trump a donation of $100 million dollars and Trump released him to travel outside of U.S. Adleson flew Jonathon Pollard on a private jet to Israel where he was met by Netanyahu and given a heros welcome. When Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage in 1987, he became the first American to go to jail for life for passing secrets to a U.S. ally. The top-secret information Pollard passed on to Israel is so vast and damaging, the complete list of files is itself top secret. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years. There are few things both liberals and conservatives agree on these days, but keeping Pollard in prison for the rest of his life was one of them. Yet, he was released in 2015 and quickly made his way to Israel – where he received a hero’s welcome. It should be noted that Israel as always denied the information was true and years later admitted to its truth. Military com |
1985 | Israel buys nuclear parts from U.S. Illegally. Richard Kelly Smyth indicted. Pollard was not the only American arrested in 1985 for breaches of security involving Israel. In May, Richard Kelly Smyth, a NATO consultant with a high-level security clearance, was indicted for illegally shipping krytrons to Israel — devices which can, among other uses, trigger nuclear weapons. Smyth’s company, Milco Incorporated of Huntington Beach, California, acted as the American agent for the deal on behalf of Heli Corporation, an Israeli trading company owned by Arnon Milchan, an international businessman and the producer of such movies as Martin Scorcese’s The King of Comedy. US officials went out of their way to take the focus off Israel. They emphasized that the indictment against Smyth resulted from a Customs Service investigation designed to block the illegal flow of military and high-tech goods out of the US. The State Department stressed that the charges did not implicate any Israelis; the Israelis denied any intention to use the krytrons to trigger nuclear weapons. The State Department asserted that Israel had been very cooperative in the investigation, but this public stance was in contrast to a New York Times report that the Israelis had initially provided an unsatisfactory account of their acquisition of the krytrons. The Times also reported a deliberate effort to keep the case out of the public eye. Smyth disappeared before he was scheduled to stand trial in August. FBI officials have reportedly been searching for him since then but have declined to comment on what success they have had. Merip |
March 4 1985 | Maarakeh bombing took place on 4 March 1985, a bomb exploded in a Shiite religious center (Hussainiya) in the southern Lebanese village of Maarakeh. 15 people were killed, including two leaders of the Amal movement that was fighting Israel, and 55 were injured. Less than 30 hours after Israeli troops had left, a thirty-pound bomb planted on the second floor of the Hussainiya exploded, during a meeting held to discuss the distribution of the relief and food supplies. Mohammed Saad and Khalil Jradi, two members of the Amal Movement, were also killed. Within an hour of the explosion, IDF troops raided the main hospital in Tyre, sabotaged its assets and arrested the director as well as 20 blood donors. Wikipedia |
March 11 1985 | Zrarieh Raid . March 11. Israel raids a village in Lebanon killing between 21-40 residents claiming in response to attacks. However on March 5 a car bomb demolished a Mosque killing 12-15 victims after IDF left the area. Lebanese said Israel bombed the Mosque. On March 8th, another car bombing from Israel in Beirut kills 80 people. On March 11, a suicide bomber attacked an Israeli convoy for the previous murders from Israel killing 12 Israeli soldiers. This was the reasoning Israel claims the raid on civilians was justified. Wikipedia |
1987 | HAMAS emerges off a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, unhappy with attacks from Israel on Palestine and cases like the Lavon Affair where Israel attacks itself and frames the Muslim Brotherhood. |
1990s | Israel continues spying on US after agreeing to stop. When White House national security advisor Susan Rice’s security detail cleared her Jerusalem hotel suite for bugs and intruders Tuesday night, they might’ve had in mind a surprise visitor to Vice President Al Gore’s room 16 years ago this week: a spy in an air duct. The brazen air-duct caper “crossed the line” of acceptable behavior between friendly intelligence services – but because it was done by Israel, it was quickly hushed up by U.S. officials. Despite strident denials this week by Israeli officials, Israel has been caught carrying out aggressive espionage operations against American targets for decades, according to U.S. intelligence officials and congressional sources. And they still do it. They just don’t get arrested very often. As Newsweek reported on Tuesday, American counter-intelligence officials told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees at the end of January that Israel’s current espionage activities in America are “unrivaled and unseemly,” going far beyond the activities of other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan.. Newsweek Article |
Oct 8 1990 | Al Aqsa Massacre Temple Mount aka Black Monday. Riots erupted as Israel attempted to march to the mosque and some Palestinians threw rocks. In return Israeli soldiers used live ammunition shooting into the crowd killing 21 Palestinians. No Israeli deaths reported. UN and US condemned Israel and Israel rejected the resolution and refused a UN investigation into the incident. Wikipedia |
July 25 1993 | Operation Accountability in violation UN resolution 425, July 25, 1993, Israeli forces launched a week-long attack against Lebanon. During the week-long operation, Israel bombarded thousands of houses and buildings resulting in 300,000–400,000 civilians being displaced from southern Lebanon with 150,000 arriving in Beirut. Of the ninety towns and villages attacked fifty-five were heavily damaged. Israeli forces also destroyed much Lebanese infrastructure and civilian targets, such as major electricity stations and bridges, and have been accused of failing to take adequate measures to minimize civilian casualties, and may have used weapons inappropriate for the environment. Hezbollah retaliated with rocket attacks on Israeli civilian targets, though it inflicted significantly fewer casualties. 1 IDF soldier killed 3 IDF wounded 13 Hezbollah killed 2 Israeli civilians killed 24 Israeli civilians wounded 140 Lebanese civilians killed 500 Lebanese civilians wounded 300,000 Lebanese civilians displaced Wikipedia |
Oct 13 1993 | CIA Chief James Woolsey testifies that Israel has been selling US military technology to China for more than a decade. New York Times and LA Times |
1996 | Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hires Richard Perle to prepare a study that would be known as the “Clean Break” report. The report stated Iraq must be defeated and Syria contained for benefit of Israel. Richard Perle later became an advisor of President George Bush in 2001. After the events of Sept 11, 2001, Netanyahu testifies to congress naming the countries listed in the report as places the US needs to attack. Wikipedia |
April 13 1996 | Mansouri attack in Lebanon, At 1:30 PM, Abbas Jiha, a farmer and volunteer ambulance driver, was driving a Volvo vehicle, with the word “ambulance” written in red. He was taking wounded people as well as four of his children to Sidon. A United States-made Israeli Apache helicopter followed the car and fired two missiles at it. The attack killed 6 civilians out of the 13 passengers who were escaping the village. The children ages ranged from 7 months to 9 years. An investigation by Amnesty International found no connection between anyone of them to Hezbollah. Wikipedia |
April 16 1996 | Nabatieh Fawka attack in Lebanon, when Israeli warplanes bombed an apartment in the village of Nabatieh Fawka, killing 9 people, 7 of whom were children. the IDF released a statement claiming that it was a “response to a Hezbollah attack in the security zone”. Investigations by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch found no evidence that Hezbollah was hiding in the building. Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres blamed the civilians for staying in Nabatieh, saying that they should have left earlier. The IDF attack on the United Nations IFIL compound in Qana, leaving 106 civilians dead, took place later on the same day. Wikipedia |
April 18 1996 | Qana massacre, near Qana, a village in then Israeli-occupied Southern Lebanon, when the Israeli military fired artillery shells at a United Nations compound, which was sheltering around 800 Lebanese civilians, killing 106 and injuring around 116. United Nations investigation later found that the Israeli shelling was deliberate. Wikipedia |
1998 | Netanyahu said to have offered Lewinsky tapes for convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. Israel first attempted use to blackmail President Bill Clinton with sex audio tapes. Clinton denied. Later he was released to return to Israel under President Trump after a $100 million donation from Sheldon Adelson. Adelson flew the spy on his private jet to Israel where he was greeted by Netanyahu. Times of Israel |
March 3 1999 | Israel blackmails US President Bill Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy sex talks with Monica Lewinsky. Thomas says Danny Yatom, Mossad inspector general, succeeded in tapping Lewinsky’s phone and amassed some 30 hours of sexually explicit conversations between the president and Lewinsky. Thomas says Tel Aviv used the tapes to stop the probe of an operative code-named “MEGA,” who was, and could still be, deep within the White House. “So far as anyone knows, the Israeli agent MEGA – a much more important spy than the imprisoned CIA traitor Jonathan Pollard, and probably his controller – is still in place at the White House,” Whitehouse did not deny the existence of the tapes. New York Post Article |
April 17 2001 | Israel sells Python III missiles to China to use against US. WASHINGTON (CNN) — Chinese fighter jets sent to intercept recent U.S. reconnaissance flights near China have been carrying air-to-air missiles sold to China by Israel, much to the annoyance of some U.S. defense officials. The Chinese F-8 fighters captured on videotapes released by the Pentagon are carrying Israeli made Python III air-to-air missiles capable of blasting a plane out of the sky with the squeeze of a finger, the Pentagon said Tuesday. “Here we are bending over backward to give Israel a qualitative edge and they are selling hardware to our adversaries,” the somewhat exasperated defense official said. NOTE: This article original link has be deleted from its link on CNN. Archived webpage on Wayback Machine |
Sept 11 2001 | 5 Israeli nationals (2 known Mossad agents) caught video tapping terror attack. They were cheering and dancing when the towers fell and arrested for 71 days before being released by Michael Chertoff, who was a son of Jewish Rabbi and close to Israel. They returned to Israel where they went on the news and stated they were sent to record the attacks. Names of the 5 Israelis *Sivan Kurzberg *Paul Kurzberg *Omer Marmari *Oded Ellner *Yaron Schmuel View Image |
Sept 26 2001 | Israel media Haaretz reported Israeli messaging service Odigo stated 2 were warned hours before the attacks not to go to work at their offices in the World Trade Center. Jerusalem Post had a similar article with more people that were warned but removed the article. View Image |
2002 | Israel Benjamin Netanyahu lies in testimony to U.S. Congress stating Israel has intelligence that they know Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. He tells the U.S. to attack Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and Iran. U.S. went to war with Iraq only to find Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction and it is considered one of the greatest intelligence failures of the U.S. Netanyahu lies about Iraq followed exactly what the Clean Break Report he hired President George Bushs advisor to do in 1996. Watch the Testimony on Youtube |
May 11 2022 | Killing of Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Was a prominent Palestinian-American journalist who worked as a reporter for 25 years for Al Jazeera, before she was killed by Israeli forces while wearing a blue press vest and covering a raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Abu Akleh was one of the most prominent names across the Middle East for her decades of reporting in the Palestinian territories, and seen as a role model for many Arab and Palestinian women. Upon her death on May 11, 2022, Israel denied responsibility and blamed Palestinian militants. However, it gradually changed its narrative until admitting she was likely “accidentally” killed by Israeli fire, but refused to undertake a criminal investigation. The admission came after several independent investigations were conducted by international media outlets, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the United States Department of State. Wikipedia |
July 12 2002 | Killing of Journalist Imad Abu Zahra. Was a freelance photo journalist who worked in Jenin, Palestine. He founded his own local paper for Jenin, which was controversial and ceased publication after five issues. While working in the field, Abu Zahra was fatally shot by Israel forces. He was the third journalist killed during the Second Intifada. Imad Abu Zahra was shot in the leg by members of the Israel Defense Forces, which created a gaping 5 centimeter wound in his femoral artery of the right thigh. The other journalists who were with him say he was clearly marked as a journalist by the bright jacket labelled in large English letters “Journalist” and he was unarmed. Abu Zahra laid in the street for approximately 30 minutes because the gunfire continued. Wikipedia |
May 2 2003 | Murder of James Miller (filmmaker). James Henry Dominic Miller (18 December 1968 – 2 May 2003) was a Welsh cameraman, producer, and director, and recipient of numerous awards, including five Emmy Awards. He was killed by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) gunfire while filming a documentary in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Military Police investigation into Miller’s death closed on 9 March 2005 with an announcement that the soldier suspected of firing the shot would not be indicted as they could not establish that his shot was responsible, though he would be disciplined for violating the rules of engagement and for changing his account of the incident. On 6 April 2006, the inquest jury at St Pancras Coroner’s Court in London returned a verdict of unlawful killing, finding that Miller had been “murdered.” Forensic experts from London Metropolitan Police concluded that the bullets were consistent with those used by the IDF. Wikipedia |
July 30 2006 | 2006 Qana airstrike (also referred to as the 2006 Qana massacre or the second Qana massacre) was an airstrike carried out by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) on a three-story building in the small community of al-Khuraybah near the South Lebanese village of Qana on July 30, 2006, during the 2006 Lebanon War. The strike killed 28 civilians, 16 of whom were children. Israel initially denies the deaths as a result of their attacks. According to the IDF, the bombing was an attempt to stop Katyusha rockets supposedly being fired by Hezbollah into northern Israel from the village over a two-week period and said residents were warned to leave. According to Human Rights Watch, international observers and journalists said there was no evidence the building served any military purpose. Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora accused Israel of war crimes and asked, “Why, we wonder, did they choose Qana yet again?” Wikipedia |
Aug 7-8 2006 | Ghaziyeh Massacre. The 2006 Ghaziyeh massacre were two sequential attacks by the Israel Air Force (IAF) on the city of Ghaziyeh in Lebanon on August 7, and August 8, 2006. The attacks took place during the 2006 Lebanon War. In the first attack on August 7, the IAF bombed a building killing 16 people. In the second attack on August 8, the IAF fired five missiles into three buildings killing a total of 8 to 14civilians and wounding 33. A total of 26 to 30 civilians died in the attacks. Wikipedia |
2007 | Wikileaks exposes Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin stating “Israel would be happy if Hamas took over Gaza so the IDF can deal with Gaza as a hostile state.” This is important as they did the First Gaza War- Massacre the following year. Wikileaks View Image |
2008- 2009 | First Gaza War – Gaza Massacre. A 3 week armed conflict where Israel mass bombed Gaza killing between 1,166-1,417 Palestinians and 13 Israeli deaths. Over 46,000 homes destroyed in Gaza making more then 100,000 people homeless. Wikipedia |
April 16 2008 | Al Bureij killings. Israeli soldiers killed Reuters cameraman Fadel Shana’a along with eight other Palestinians, among them six children, when they fired a tank shell at the group in the Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Shana’a’s video footage shows the tank firing and a glimpse of the incoming shell before going black at the moment of impact. Wikipedia |
2009 | Ibrahim al-Maqadma Mosque strike the Israeli Air Forces launched a missile and hit the Martyr Ibrahim al-Maqadma Mosque in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip during the evening prayers. Over 200 Palestinian men were praying at the time. At least 16 people, including six children were killed, and more than 60 wounded. Almost all those of were killed were still inside the mosque building at the time of death. Paramedics arriving at the scene described seeing “people cut to pieces”. One dead child’s leg was blown off by the explosion and later found on the roof. A paramedic interviewed by The Observer said there was no evidence of any militants among the casualties. Wikipedia |
2009 | UN condemns war crimes in Gaza. It accuses Israel of deliberately using “disproportionate force” in the three-week operation in December and January. Israel refuses to cooperate with the UN investigation. The report accuses Israel of imposing “a blockade which amounted to collective punishment” in the lead-up to the conflict. It says “the Israeli military operation was directed at the people of Gaza as a whole”. BBC News |
2010 | Israels Nuclear Weapons: The White House Factor. Report outlines several factors of Israel history including Nixons reference of a “Jewish Cabal” of American Jews putting Jewish Interests first. Also highlighting how Israel refused inspections from the US for nuclear weapons while Iran cooperated fully. View Report |
2010- 2012 | Israel assassinates 4 Iranian scientists and wounds another during an attempted murder. US Officials stated Obama Administration knew about assassination campaign but had no direct involvement. Wikipedia |
2012 | CIA memos released that Israeli Mossad Agents disguised as CIA agents to recruit Pakistan Terrorist to assassinate Iranian government officials and killing Iranian women and children. Foreign Policy |
2013 | Israel uses Palestine children in Gaza and West Bank as shields and tortures them. United Nations report. Children are arrested and subject to acts of torture, interrogation, and routinely denied registration of their birth and access to health care, decent schools and clean water. Reuters |
2013 | Israel passes US military technology to China. Secret U.S. missile and electro-optics technology was transferred to China recently by Israel, prompting anger from the U.S. and causing a senior Israeli defense official to resign. Military com |
2015 | Israel provides weapons and support to Syrian rebels in the Syrian civil war. Israel also provides hospital services to wounded rebels and terrorists fighting in Syria. Wikipedia |
April 6 2018 | Murder of Journalist Yaser Murtaja. was a Palestinian video journalist and photographer from the Gaza Strip. According to the Palestinian health ministry, he was killed by Israeli security forces during the 2018 Gaza border protests. Murtaja was the co-founder of Ain Media Production Company, which produced video for several international media outlets. He was one of the first individuals to bring a drone camera into Gaza. Wikipedia |
Nov 27 2020 | Israel assassinates Iran scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in road side ambush. Wikipedia |
May 16 2021 | Wehda Street Airstrikes – Massacre. Israel bombed a densely populated civilian area killing 44 civilians and wounding 50 civilians. New York Times investigation finds IDF lied about tunnels and incident. IDF claims it was collateral damage. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch raised concerns of war crimes committed by Israel. Wikipedia |
2023+ | All Events Stated Above Prior to October 7th Attack |
Incidents – Including Massacres From Oct 7th, 2023 to Current
We decided to split the dates to prior and post Oct 7th, 2023 as western media and politicians try to portray the incident on Oct 7th as the justification for all the current atrocities, while ignoring the reign of terror Israel has caused to Gaza and other regions before. Other countries not controlled by Israel have stood up against the genocide and demanding a end to it with Israel held accountable. Incidents where false and misleading information spread by Israel and the media will be documented as well.
Date | Incident – After Oct 7th* These events are a part of the reason why many countries are calling out Israel for war crimes and a genocide of Gaza. Calling for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is supported by United States and UK at United Nations. |
Oct 13 2023 | Killing of Journalist Issam Abdallah. Was a Lebanese video journalist working for Reuters who was killed by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tank-fire in southern Lebanon on 13 October 2023, while reporting in the context of the Israel–Hamas war. Issam Abdullah traveled as part of a group of three Reuters and two AFP journalists to a hilltop in Lebanon near Aalma ech Chaab to film cross-border shelling by Israeli tanks. At the hilltop were already two journalists live streaming the scene for Al Jazeera. All were wearing blue helmets and flak jackets, most of which were labeled “Press”. Abdullah’s group arrived at 5:16 pm local time. For the next 45 minutes, they filmed without issue while being continuously surveilled by Israel drones. The journalists turned their camera towards an Israel outpost at Hanita. Forty-five seconds later, an Israeli Merkava IV tank located at another military installation 1.3 km from the hilltop fired a 120 mm high explosive, fin stabilized shell across the border directly at Issam Abdullah, killing him instantly and punching a hole in the low stone wall he had been leaning against. Thirty-seven seconds after the first shot, a tank fired a second shell from the same location, destroying the car of the Al Jazeera journalists and knocking their cameras to the ground. The other six journalists on the scene were also wounded. Most seriously injured of the others was Christina Assi, a photographer for Agence France-Presse (AFP), whose wounds forced the amputation of her right leg. The attack was captured by multiple audio and video recordings. Multiple investigations were conducted by groups including AFP, Reuters, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, all of which concurred that an Israeli tank had intentionally fired on the reporters, citing evidence at the scene including fragments of the tail of an Israeli shell. An Israeli spokesman declined to answer detailed questions about the strike, saying “We don’t target journalists.” Wikipedia |
Oct 31 2023 | Israel bombed the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip – an event that was called the Jabalia camp massacre in the Muslim world. The airstrike, which came amidst the Israeli invasion of Gaza, killed more than 120 people, mostly women and children, and was widely condemned. It is also considered one of the war crimes in the Israel–Hamas war. Wikipedia |
Nov 13 2023 | Group of Lebanese journalists were hit by a strike meters away from them while reporting in the town of Yaroun The incident was filmed live by Al Jadeed. The anchor was heard speaking to the live anchor Rif Akil after the strike. The anchor said, “It’s clear the rocket has fallen just a few metres away from you It’s clear this is a direct strike on journalists operating in Yaroun.” as the camera filmed the site of the attack. Wikipedia |
Nov 19 2023 | Killing of Journalist Belal Jadallah. was a Palestinian journalist and the director of the Press House – Palestine, a press freedom non-governmental organisation. He was killed by Israeli shelling during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. Wikipedia |
Nov 21 2023 | Killing of Journalist Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Maamari. Israeli tank targeted reporter Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Maamari from Al Mayadeen TV. The artillery shelling led to the immediate deaths of Omar and Maamari. A guide alongside the journalists was also killed. Al Mayadeen said the attack was deliberate because of the channel’s pro-Palestinian views. Wikipedia UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of media workers Farah Omar and Rabih Me’mari in Lebanon Israel-Palestine war: Two journalists and two civilians killed by Israeli strikes on Lebanon |
Dec 13 2023 | Shadia Abu Ghazala School massacre. Israeli soldiers took all men at the school and rounded them up in a room and killed them in what was said to be “field executions” at point blank range. 15 bodies were found after. Wikipedia |
Dec 15 2023 | Killing of Journalist Samer Abu Daqqa. Was a Belgian-Palestinian video journalist working for Al Jazeera. He was killed during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war after the Israeli army bombed an Al Jazeera crew in Khan Yunis on 15 December 2023, while he was covering a Haifa School airstrike. Wikipedia |
April 1 2024 | World Central Kitchen aid convoy attack occurred on 1 April 2024, when Israeli drones targeted a three-car convoy belonging to the World Central Kitchen (WCK) in the Gaza Strip, killing seven aid workers delivering food. Among the seven World Central Kitchen aid workers were confirmed British, Australian, Polish, Palestinian, and dual American-Canadian nationals. Wikipedia |
May 24 2004 | International Court of Justice demands Israel Stop Its Invasion of Rafa. The International Court of Justice called on Israel to end its operation in Rafah, the southernmost town in Gaza. Over the last two weeks, Israel has reduced entire neighbourhoods in Rafah to rubble and forcefully displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Israel defys order and continues to attack refugee camps. The court was not convinced that Israel had taken sufficient measures to protect civilian life and voted – 13 judges to two – that Israel must take effective measures to enable any UN-backed commission of inquiry to enter Gaza and probe genocide allegations. Aljazeera |
May 26 2004 | Tel al-Sultan attack. the Israeli Air Force bombed a displacement camp in Tel al-Sultan, Rafah. The attack, which set the camp on fire, killed between 45 and 50 Palestinians and injured more than 200. Sometimes referred to as the Rafah tent massacre or as the Tent Massacre, it was the deadliest incident of the Rafah offensive. Wikipedia |
May 28 2024 | Al-Mawasi refugee camp attack Gaza emergency services reported that four tank artillery shells struck a tent city in the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone west of Rafah, hitting a group of tents and killing at least 21 people, at least 12 of whom were women, and injuring 64 people, including 10 in a critical condition. The strike occurred in an area designated as an expanded humanitarian zone by Israel in the wake of the Rafah offensive which has led to the mass displacement of Palestinian civilians to tent cities outside of the city. This attack came two days after a 26 May attack on a UNRWA refugee camp in the Tel al-Sultan neighborhood that killed 45–50 civilians, and four days after a 24 May legally binding order by the International Court of Justice for Israel to immediately stop its Rafah offensive due to the risk to civilians. Wikipedia |
June 8 2024 | Nuseirat refugee camp massacre. With United States Support, the Israeli military killed at least 276 people and injured over 698, according to the Gaza Health Ministry and Palestinian health officials, during a hostage rescue operation in the UNRWA Nuseirat refugee camp. Per a resident and paramedic in the camp, the assault felt like a “horror movie” and that Israeli drones and warplanes fired randomly throughout the night at peoples’ homes and those who tried to flee the area. One witness stated, “Anyone who was moving in the street was killed”. Videos showed corpses with entrails spilling out lying on blood-stained streets. An Israeli drone commander reported that after an initial attack “to drive civilians away”, Israel considered anyone who did not flee to be a “terrorist”, even if they were unarmed. Wikipedia |
June 21 2024 | Al-Mawasi refugee camp attack Israeli forces attacked refugee tent camps in al-Mawasi, Gaza Strip just outside an area designated as a humanitarian safe zone. The Gaza Health Ministry reported that 25 people were killed and 50 others were injured in the two rounds of bombing. The bombing was the second Israeli bombardment of the al-Mawasi refugee camp in under a month, with an attack on 28 May killing over 21 people and injuring 64 more. Wikipedia |
July 9 2024 | 9 July 2024 Gaza attacks. Refer to a series of coordinated attacks by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza City and Deir al-Balah, resulting in the deaths of at least 50 Palestinians and injury of at least 80 more as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry. Wikipedia |
July 9 2024 | Al-Awda school attack. The Israeli Defense Forces bombed Al-Awda school in Abasan al-Kabira near the city of Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The UNRWA-ran that had been converted into a displacement shelter, hosting refugees from the Israeli invasion. At least 31 Palestinians were killed in the attack while over 53 were injured; most of the casualties were women and children. Many of the victims were refugees from Rafah following Israel’s Rafah offensive. The attack was the fourth attack on a Palestinian school conducted by the Israel Defense Forces over the prior four days. Wikipedia NOTE: Netherlands Football Incident November 2024. Israeli Maccabi supporters and IDF members had attacked a taxi and burnt a Palestinian flag in Amsterdam, as well as chanting anti-Arab slogans. A slogan they were chanting was “There are no schools in Gaza” as a reference to the schools they bombed and children they killed. |
July 13 2024 | 13 July 2024 al-Mawasi attack Israeli airstrikes hit the Al-Mawasi area near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war. The attack killed at least 90 Palestinians, among them women and children, and injured over 300. Israel said that the strike targeted Hamas top leaders. Survivors reported that they were targeted without warning in an area they were told was safe. Wikipedia |
July 31 2024 | Assassination of Journalist Ismail al-Ghoul. was a Palestinian journalist and an Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent in the Gaza Strip. On 31 July 2024, Al-Ghoul and Al Jazeera cameraman Rami Al Refee were assassinated by an IDF airstrike while covering the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh near his family home in the Northern Gaza Strip. On 18 March 2024, Ismail al-Ghoul, along with many other civilians, was arrested by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), during the Al-Shifa hospital siege. al-Ghoul was severely beaten by IDF soldiers and detained for 12 hours before being released. In an interview with Al Jazeera, al-Ghoul claimed that Israeli forces attacked the hospital and targeted journalists, breaking their equipment and arresting them. Al-Ghoul said that the journalists were stripped, blindfolded, and forced to lie on their stomachs with their hands tied. If they moved, the soldiers would shoot at the ground in order to intimidate them. After about 12 hours, the journalists were taken for questioning. The Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders condemned the assault. They confirmed that al-Ghoul was beaten, and his equipment was destroyed. They also called for an end to such actions. Wikipedia |
Aug 27 2024 | Killing of Blogger Mohammad Hamily. Was a Palestinian social media personality and blogger based in the Gaza Strip. He was known for his “tent life” videos documenting his experiences living in a camp for displaced Palestinians during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. He was killed on August 26, 2024, after he was hit by a shrapnel during an Israeli airstrike on Gaza’s southern city of Khan Younis. Wikipedia |
Sept 2024 | Israel Defense Forces launch a series of air strikes across Lebanon |
Sept 17-18 2024 | Lebanon electronic device attacks. Thousands of handheld pagers and hundreds of walkie-talkies intended for use by Hezbollah exploded simultaneously in two separate events across Lebanon and Syria in an Israeli attack.The attack killed at least 42 people, including at least 12 civilians, and wounded more than 3,500. Civilians deaths such as two health workers, a 9-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy. The Lebanese health ministry reported that 300 people had lost both eyes and 500 people had lost one eye as a result of the pager attacks. Other doctors saw severe hand, waist and facial injuries, reporting patients with fingers torn, hands amputated, eyes popped out of the socket and facial lacerations. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said the attack was indiscriminate in nature since, by detonating thousands of devices simultaneously, the attacker failed to verify each target to distinguish between civilians and combatants. Booby traps are mostly outlawed under the Protocol on Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices (“Amended Protocol II”) of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, to which Israel is a party. Article 7.2 of Amended Protocol II prohibits the use of “booby-traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material”. Wikipedia |
Oct 1 2024 | Israel invades Southern Lebanon |
Oct 10 2024 | Bachoura airstrike. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out an airstrike in Bachoura in central Beirut, Lebanon, as part of the 2024 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The airstrike in the densely populated neighborhood killed at least 22 Lebanese people and injured another 117 civilians. Wikipedia |
Oct 14 2024 | October 2024 Aitou airstrike. the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted an airstrike on the Maronite Christian town of Aitou in North Lebanon, as part of the 2024 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The airstrike killed 22 Lebanese people, including 12 women and 2 children, and wounded 8. This was the first time Israel targeted the Christian-majority region of Zgharta. Lebanese sources have referred to it as a massacre. Wikipedia |
Oct 16 2024 | Israel targets a meeting of municipal council of Nabatieh in Lebanon and struck it with 10 air strikes, killing 16 city staff including the mayor and injuring 52. Lebanese prime minister Najib Mikati condemned the attack and said that it “intentionally targeted a meeting of the municipal council to discuss the city’s service and relief situation”. The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said that civilian suffering in Lebanon is reaching an unprecedented level, and stressed that “civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected at all times”. Wikipedia |
Oct 19 2024 | 19 October 2024 Beit Lahia attacks. The Israel Defense Forces conducted attacks on Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, killing at least 92 Palestinians and injuring more than 100, with many more missing believed to be trapped under the rubble. Israeli airstrikes and artillery shells struck several buildings in densely packed residential blocks filled with local residents and evacuees, primarily in the western regions of the city. Wikipedia |
Oct 25 2004 | Israeli strike on a compound housing 18 journalists from at least seven media organizations with a courtyard containing cars clearly marked with “press” in Hasbaya killed an engineer and a cameraman for Al Mayadeen and another cameraman for Al-Manar, and injured three others. The attack was the deadliest on journalists in Lebanon since the conflict began. BBC News |
Oct 29 2024 | Derdghaya Melkite Church airstrike. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted an airstrike on a Melkite church in the village of Derdghaya, in Southern Lebanon, as part of the 2024 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The airstrike killed at least eight people inside the church. The IDF also hit the house of a priest and the parish offices. Wikipedia |
Oct 29 2004 | Beit Lahia Airstrike Massacre. the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted an airstrike on a five-story residential building in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, killing at least 55 to 93 Palestinians, including 25 children, and leaving 40 others missing. Wikipedia |
Who Supports And Funds Israels Reign Of Terror? You do if you are a U.S. Citizen.
The following is how much in US taxpayer dollars are given to Israel to commit the above the acts against the U.S. and allies and the procedure in which the corruption flows.
In the above graphic you can see why John F Kennedy before his assassination was ordering AIPAC to register as a foreign agent. In the recent 2024 elections you can see how AIPAC bragged about its endorsed candidates winning offices, in some cases they funded both sides of the candidates. In 2019 Trump accepted $100 million from a single donor for a pro Israel stance and to release a convicted spy Jonathan Pollard out of the US. He additionally moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel. In 2024 he took another $100 million from the same donor and appointed all Israel endorsed politicians to his cabinet. Senators like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (both fly Israel flags outside their offices in Washington next to the US flag) have also accepted millions from Israel. It is not something that is based on party as the majority of Jewish Americans vote Democrat. In 2024 election 78% of Jewish voters supported and voted for Kamala Harris against Trump. AIPAC supported both Democrat and Republican candidates with their only goal of having the politician vote to always support Israel no matter the incident or cost.
In contrast, Congressman Tomas Massie who is a true America first politician, and doesnt support fighting wars for Israel or giving them billions, was slandered by AIPAC in his campaign where they called him anti semitic. Thru AIPAC they spent over $400,000 trying to get voters NOT to vote for him alone.
Note, the amount given to the politicians coincides with election years.
Year | Amount From U.S. to Israel in “aid” | Amount from Israel to U.S. Politicians |
1949-1959 | Approximately $652.9 million | No records |
1960-1969 | Average per year: Around $83 million | No records |
1970-1979 | Average per year: Approximately $1.63 billion | No records |
1980-1989 | Average per year: About $2.81 billion | No records |
1990-1999 | Around $3.0 billion per year, with additional aid for immigration. | $27 million + est. |
2000 | $3.12 billion | $5.6 million + |
2001 | $2.85 billion | |
2002 | $2.76 billion | $8.6 million + |
2003 | $2.76 billion | |
2004 | $2.63 billion | $10.3 million + |
2005 | $2.55 billion | |
2006 | $2.46 billion | $11.4 million + |
2007 | $2.34 billion | |
2008 | $3.0 billion | $13.1 million + |
2009 | $2.55 billion | |
2010 | $2.77 billion | $12.7 million + |
2011 | $3.0 billion | |
2012 | $3.09 billion | $15.8 million + |
2013 | $3.09 billion | |
2014 | $3.09 billion | $12.1 million + |
2015 | $3.09 billion | |
2016 | $3.09 billion | $115.5 million + |
2017 | $3.18 billion | |
2018 | $3.18 billion | $15.3 million + |
2019 | $3.8 billion | |
2020 | $3.8 billion | $33 million + |
2021 | $3.31 billion | |
2022 | $3.18 billion | $105 million + |
2023 | $3.8 billion + | |
2024 | $12.5 billion + | $158 million + |
Over $310 Billion adjusted | Data Provided from OpenSecrets and additional sources. Amounts are the baseline donations direct not including advertising |
Does Israel need the assistance? No. Israels estimate GDP in 2023 was US $564 Billion and its GDP per capita at USD $58,270 making it the 13th highest in the world. Comparable to other highly developed countries. Israel has received about 70% more than the second and third place recipients: Vietnam (because of Vietnam War) and Egypt (to bolster security after Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1979 according to Politifact.
Israel Compared to China and Russia with US Relations.
The following is a comparison of who the US considers its greatest ally vs who they consider enemies. Israel has done more against the United States then our enemies. Unfortunately due to corruption in our government, we support them.
Has Attacked and Killed U.S. Citizens?
- ISRAEL – YES. During the attack on the USS Liberty and Lavon Affair
- RUSSIA – YES. 1918 Bolsheviks, however the Bolsheviks were led by Jews
- CHINA – YES. 2 in the 1800s and Korean War
Has Spied on the U.S.?
- ISRAEL – YES. Current
- RUSSIA – YES. Current
- CHINA – YES. Current
Has Blackmailed US Presidents?
- ISRAEL – YES. President Bill Clinton
- CHINA – No
Has Lied To The US To Get Them To Fight Their Wars?
- ISRAEL – YES. 2002 Netanyahu Lies to Congress for Iraq War, Lybia and Syria
- CHINA – No
Takes US Taxpayer Funds Yearly?
- ISRAEL – YES. Billions given yearly
- CHINA – No
Gives US Politicians Money in Return For Support?
- ISRAEL – YES. Current thru AIPAC and Subsidiaries
- CHINA – No
Has Protected Spies and Criminals From US?
Nuclear Weapons Program?
- ISRAEL – YES. Stolen from the U.S. Refused to comply with US inspections.